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The Direct Link Between Viagra And What You Eat

There exists a wide spectrum of people who are of the opinion that is perhaps not really the best possible solution to the issue of erectile dysfunction, however, years of testing and application has gone on to prove that this drug is perhaps the greatest leap in that regard. Without a doubt, Viagra has gone on to prove that it can and will change your life if you give it the chance.

However, one thing every user ought to as a matter of necessity be aware of is the fact that Viagra should be used with great care. There are a number of contradictions, precautions as well as implications that you ought to be aware of when you are making use of this drug. Eating the right food assists you in enhancing your sexuality as well as the overall effect that the drug has to offer. Hence, it is very vital to point out that getting the best out of using this drug should be a core priority for the user, hence, here are a few useful tips that should help you get the best out of using the drug.

Drink and Food and Viagra

The three basic things you must factor in before making use of this drug include; eating well, patience, as well as physical and emotional comfort. One thing about men is that they often find it difficult to achieve the later, however, developing a dietary regime helps in boosting your overall sexual health is very vital. Viagra more often than not feels a lot different when backed up by certain types of food or when you take it differently from those foods.

Food and medication: the link

More often than not, the instruction that comes with the drug will always come with certain information concerning the interactions it has with food in the event that such an interaction does exist. In most cases, the medication is not really affected by drinks and foods. Most of the drugs in the line of Viagra are usually affected by alcohol as well as fatty food items and may not give you the desired result when you factor in Nicotine. It, therefore, suffices to say that the functionality of the drug is affected by a long list of factors. Some food items have the ability to affect the rate of adsorption, these food items include among others; sugar, dairy, as well as food that is rich in cholesterol.

You must, however, understand that Viagra in no way interacts directly with food items; however, its effect may be reduced or slowed down by the consumption of heavy foods. The choice of what to eat or how to eat or even when to eat is a product of the choice of the patient, it is therefore advisable for such an individual to stay true to whatever eating regime he or she may already have in place.

The interaction between food and Viagra has not really been thoroughly researched. A number of men claim that eating a healthy meal helps to mitigate the probability of a side effect occurring. Some men, on the other hand, reported a rather negative side effect such as stomach upset as well as weak erection when they used the drug.